Category: Uncategorized

  • The Celestial Engineers – Part 1

    Year 2245, en route to the Proxima Centauri star system In the mid-22nd century, humanity had achieved its most ambitious dream – the establishment of a stable, faster-than-light (FTL) communication network between our solar system and our nearest stellar neighbor, Proxima Centauri. Dubbed the “Intergalactic Whisper,” this advanced telecom system relied on a network of…

  • A Christmas party, New York, 2100

    It was the year 2100, and the world was a very different place. Technology had advanced to levels that people in the 21st century could never have imagined, and with it, the way of life had changed. But despite the many differences, one thing remained the same – the joy and celebration of Christmas. And…

  • The virus that brought peace

    Please generate a story in which an alien virus eliminates aggression from human behaviour. The virus arrived on Earth in a small meteorite that landed in the middle of a desert. No one saw it land, but soon after, people began to feel the effects of the virus. At first, they didn’t notice anything different,…

  • The flyers of Titan

    Here I am, standing naked in the hatch of the skydiver one base on Titan. The petrol smell of Titan’s atmosphere makes its presence felt here. Some say we have Titan in our blood, like old car racers from another age on planet Earth. They said they had gas in their blood, the stuff that…

  • Drifting through dimensions

    After all those years of reading philosophy, religion, physics, medicine, I feel that my life is meaningless without exploring my inner self. Meditation helped me a lot, of course, but I still haven’t found that promised essence, the thing they call “self”.  Though it seems like all those years of searching are finally converging to…

  • The simulation of the Romanian character Bulă’s life.

    Bulă has been a fictional hero of this time, coloring my ancestors life during harsh times just by being present in a lot of jokes that colored the landscape of those years. Words passed by through generations, books have been written, bellies have hurt as a side effect of intense, heart originating laughter.      …